Printing Estimates

The Print Return Sections window allows you to print estimates that are prepared for the open Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, Fiduciary, or Exempt Organization return to any print destination. The Estimates print option is not available for Estate & Gift and Employee Benefit return types or when estimates are not prepared for any other return type.

To print estimates, do the following:

  1. From an open return, select Print > Print Return Sections from the Application menu. If changes have occurred since the last calculation, the system prompts you to calculate the return before proceeding, or to continue the print process without calculating.

  2. Do the following to select and configure your print options:
    1. Select the boxes beside Estimates and/or the Estimates sub-units on the navigation panel to select the items for print. For tax years 2012 and higher, you can select to print estimate vouchers for one or more quarters. You can also limit your print selection to specific taxing authorities under each quarter. Only quarters and taxing authorities with prepared estimate vouchers are available on the navigation panel. 
    2. Click Estimates on the navigation panel to display the print options.
  3. Note: The available items on the navigation panel can depend on any of the following:

    • The return type
    • The tax year
    • Settings in the return or return configuration set
  4. Select or enter the number of print copies. You can print from one to nine copies if you are printing to a printer. Only one copy can be sent to a document imager, PDF, or TIFF file.

  5. Select a Closedprint destination.

    Destination Description
    Printer Defaults to the printer configured in Printer Setup or your last selected printer. You can select another device from the list of installed printers, if needed.
    Document Imager Available if Printer Setup contains a document imager driver configuration.

    Prints one copy to a Portable Document Format (PDF) fixed-layout electronic file.

    TIFF Prints one copy to a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) graphics electronic file.
    Printer and PDF Creates a PDF file containing one copy of the return and prints up to nine copies of the return to the printer configured in Printer Setup.
    Printer and TIFF Creates a TIFF file containing one copy of the return and prints up to nine copies of the return to the printer configured in Printer Setup.
  6. If you are sending copies to a printer or document imager, you can select a print device.

  7. Select a watermark to print in the document background, if needed, diagonally from the lower-left to the upper-right corner of the page. The watermark list is configured and can be edited using Dashboard > Application Links > Firm > Settings and defaults > Print. You can enter other text, but it will not be saved in the watermarks list. The watermark you select or enter applies to all selected print items.

  8. If you are creating a PDF or TIFF file (with or without printing to a printer), do one of the following:

    • Accept the default location and name, which can be the previously entered value or the default path.
    • Enter a file path, or click Browse to select the file location, and then enter the file name.

    See Naming Print Files for the system default naming conventions and other important considerations.

  9. Select one or more print Closedoptions that may apply for the print item.

  10. Click Print or another command. ClosedExplain the print commands.